Media Cybernetics, Inc.



Image-Pro® 影像分析軟體

  • 影像擷取、影像處理、影像量測、影像分析工具一應俱全,並可分享您的影像研究成果與重要分析數據
  • 彈性的客製化軟體整合平台架構,可以依照各種圖像分析應用需求增加或擴展功能模組,強化您的影像分析系統
  • 就算您不俱備專業的影像分析技術背景,視覺化操作界面讓您簡單幾個操作步驟,立即得到準確的分析結果

Join professionals around the world that use Image-Pro software to capture, process, measure and share.
Image-Pro 10 影像分析軟體
2D/3D/4D Image Analysis Software
AutoQuant X3 Deconvolution 影像分析軟體
Image Deconvolution Software
Image-Pro Plus 影像分析軟體
2D Image Analysis Software


Start by building a powerful base with the Image-Pro Platform, then customize the system by adding the modules that meet your application needs. Take advantage of the Image-Pro SMART Technology to obtain results accurate and easily without complexity.

Customize the system further by adding APPS to streamline your work or develop your own macro to standardize and automate your analysis.

Image-Pro’s Automatic Measurements is the foremost solution for gathering data from images. Our simple step-wise approach to the problem is designed to provide the ultimate flexibility to analyze nearly any image type while remaining simple to quickly learn and teach to others.

Network licenses implement the modularity of Image-Pro among the instances running on the internal network. Each instance is an independent copy of the Image-Pro Software, each capable of having a unique configuration. Through the server licensing tool, the system can be reconfiggured to move a module from one instance of Image-Pro to another or add a new module to a single instance or multiple instances.
Image-Pro 影像分析軟體網路授權使用方案

Select your industry below to see which software and module(s) best align with your needs.
生命科學 / Life Sciences 製造業 / Manufacturing 材料科學 / Materials Science
生命科學 / Life Sciences 製造業 / Manufacturing 材料科學 / Materials Science
自然資源 / Natural Resources 監控安全 / Security 病理醫學 / Pathology
自然資源 / Natural Resources 監控安全 / Security 病理醫學 / Pathology

Image-Pro 提供您各種圖像分析應用所需專業的進階影像工具
Image Processing and Manipulation
Basic Image Analysis
Information Management
Image Filtering / 影像濾鏡
Alignment / 影像對準
Annotations / 影像標註
Background Subtraction / 背景消除
Pseudo-Color / 偽彩色
Line Profile / 線段剖面工具
Point to Point Measurements / 兩端點量測
Angle Measurements / 角度量測
Manual Object Classification / 手動物件分類
Export Images to Power Point / 影像匯出
Output results to our standard formatted report / 報表匯出
Advanced Image Processing
Advanced Image and Automated Analysis
Multi-User Sign-on with saved preferences / 支援多使用者登錄並儲存個別的系統參數
Tool Bar controls
Saved Layouts per User / 使用者可儲存自訂的軟體操作界面風格
Report Editor and Customization / 報表編輯和客製化
Audit Trail for Users / 使用者的審計追蹤(數據檢查)
FFT / 快速傅立葉轉換
Image Math / 影像幾何運算
Sequence Controls and Editing / 序列影像控制與編輯
High Dynamic Range Processing / 高動態對比影像處理
Large Spectral Filtering / 大型空間影像濾鏡
Multi-Line Profile Tools / 支援多個線段剖面工具
Count/Size Objects / 物件量測與計數
2D Tracking / 二維影像物件追蹤
Voronoi Map / 沃羅諾伊圖(物件空間分佈)
Learning Classification / 學習分類
Multi-Image or Image Sets Data Collection / 多張影像或圖像集合的數據收集
Multi-Dimensional Image Support
Scripting and Macros
Multi-User License
Load, Save, and Analyze Time-Lapse, Z-Position, and 3D Viewer to image multiple images in a single interface / 支援時間序列影像、Z軸堆疊影像的載入、儲存和分析,並可透過三維影像檢視工具瀏覽多維度影像 Develop and save custom workflows to easily batch process large amounts of images or image sets simply / 開發並保存自定義工作流程,以便輕鬆批量處理大量影像或影像集合 Increase your efficiency be implementing a multi-user license that will allow several users to access the platform at various workstations / 提高效率實現多個使用者的軟體使用授權,允許使用者在不同工作站電腦上透過網路與授權伺服器連結取得軟體合法的使用授權


3D Module for Image-Pro

3D Module

2D Capture Module for Image-Pro

2D Image
Capture Module

Increase the dimensionality of your analysis into multiple planes with the Image-Pro 3D Module. Added to the Image-Pro platform, the 3D module allows for expanded analysis and visualization to multiple dimensions. From simple documentation to complex capture to Dynamic tiling and Extended Depth of Focus, the Image-Pro Capture Module offers the solution and hardware support you need to seamlessly capture your images.



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